Land of the Lost
This one's due back at the library really soon, so I made myself sit through it. It wasn't too difficult. The film contained some truly amusing images and Anna Friel (a favorite since Pushing Daisies ). The movie was funny on much the same lines as The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra but where Lost Skeleton mocks with pure and pointed satire, Land of the Lost upped the budget, and lost the cult value. The script contained the obligatory sex jokes, but not to a nauseating extent, just enough to titillate the teens. It also contained some really funny moments, such as A Chorus Line , and a well-placed walnut. It was refreshing to see a CGI T-rex upstage Will Ferrell. Ferrell's humor and lines leaned toward the slightly overdone, but his comic timing still impressed me. Anna Friel seemed unfortunately to be playing second-fiddle. I can't be certain of her real lead potential, since she seems so often to be hiding behind her leading men. The third and fourth main character