
Showing posts from March, 2020

Solver (2017)

This post is all spoilers all the time. I am going to spoil the whole movie. This movie depends on suspense, so if you intend to see it, do not read these spoilers. If you're "meh" about it, then by all means, proceed. Solver's plot is a lot like a video game in two specific ways: firstly, it's a series of puzzles much like any of the MYST series, or any other adventure puzzle solver (Rhem, Obduction, The Island of Dr. Brain, etc.), and secondly, there's a princess to rescue. This is not a trope that I love. In this opinion, me and Feminist Frequency are totally synchronized. Although the cast includes some racial diversity, the two main characters are young, thin, and white. *shrug* My real gripe is about the ending. The whole plot revolves around a search for a mind-control device, both by the main characters who are enjoying solving the puzzles that his dead grandfather left in an old cabin, and the baddie (and his two female accomplices) who wants to