
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Innocents (1961)

Recently a friend of mine acquired a brilliant step-daughter in the most perfect way possible. This new family has the same difficulties that I find in my own household, und zwar, that I love horror movies but I can't find anybody to watch with me. A few weeks ago my friend invited me over to watch with her step-daughter a film I'd never seen: The Turning (2018). Of course I started thinking about Henry James's novel, and rereading it. I've also been listening to a couple of brilliant podcasts, including Monster, She Wrote (named after a book which collects significant horror-related texts written by women) which has forced me to read more Daphne DuMaurier. Yes. Forced. And there's another podcast called Nightlight which has pushed me into the edgier realm of horror by black writers. I have truly enjoyed finding a new world to connect to, and another cultural milieu. But the best thing about this new world is that it has brought so much good writing and amazing a