
Psycho (Collector's Edition) Brilliant. The only negative critique on seems to be that it's not shallow enough, which I think the film can handle.

I wouldn't call this work perfect, by any means. The explicatory speech given at the end by the psychologist seems to dull the impact somewhat, but we know that Hitchcock jonesed for resolution, never fully embracing Modernism. He also seems to be somewhat of a Freudian Hack.

Besides that, though, this movie is amazing. Anthony Perkins is attractive and endearing - the quintessential . . . (it's a classic. Forgive the spoilers). . . serial killer. Janet Leigh plays a nuanced but only marginally sympathetic victim. The movie provided horrors that frighten even when you look at them straight, unlike most thriller stories, which look a little too. . . chocolate syrup? . . . when you face them completely.

I loved this movie, and it was with great joy that I discovered Netflix reserved the rating, which allowed my mother to allow herself to watch the thing with us. Honestly, the R rating could only have been thematic, because this film contains little that would offend - but plenty that might disturb sensitive viewers.


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