Yes Man

Yes Man (Single-Disc Edition)I loved it. It's almost 1:00 a.m. so I'm not entirely coherent about this film, but I really did love it. The music was brilliant, the themes were engaging and sophisticated, albeit unrealistic. The acting did nothing to detract from the script, and the script flowed smoothly. It wasn't particularly flowery, but it wasn't distracting either, except maybe that final scene. And it was funny.

The colors and filming were delightful. I enjoyed the jogging scenes especially, and the sunrise. And the motorcycle.

I'm surprised the critics thought so badly of it. General consensus is positive. The critics seem to like Jim Carey and not everything else, but Carey was only one positive thing among the several I've already mentioned. I appreciate how his acting has become more natural. He still has that gift for filling a character with life that he started with, but now he seems to fill them with soul too. I appreciate that in both this movie and his other more recent work.

Top critics call the movie "predictable" but although as a Romantic Comedy we're pretty sure the guy and the girl get together, there were moments that had me truly on the edge of my seat. There were times when I knew Carl should say "no" - sometimes he did, sometimes he didn't, but I waited every time to see if he would. I cared about the character. I laughed at the coincidences, whether I saw them coming or not. I really thought the female lead was well-written (and naturally, well-acted. I'm a Deschanel fan). Allison behaved naturally, and yet positively, for the most part. She kissed Carl spontaneously, but wasn't a slut about it. They both knew and did the kinds of things that benefited the community. They were characters written refreshingly unselfish. It felt good.

I noticed some little complexity involving Carl's job at the bank. He seemed uncomfortable with his new, higher corporate rank, but I think his experiences with Stephanie and Allison should give him the emotional equipment to deal with that issue when it starts pinching. I feel content with that ending. I hear the ending chord resolved. Isn't that what a good romantic comedy should do?


  1. "Do you want to come to my Harry Potter Party?" (Kiwi Accent) I thought his boss at the bank was awesome. Hope I'm not mashing up two different movies.

  2. I loved that relationship. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy.


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