Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Widescreen Edition)Clearly Harry Potter is much less whiny in this film than in the book. I didn't absolutely hate him. I thought it was actually sympathetically played, and surprisingly, well-played. I didn't enjoy hating Imelda Staunton, whose acting has always impressed, which was a switch, since I thoroughly enjoyed hating David Tennant in the previous film, and I'm an immortal Whovian.

I love Luna.

The director did very well distilling a complex story into a couple of hours. Die-hards will naturally complain that their favorite scenes were left out. I don't recall watching Harry and Cho make out in the film more than that first kiss (although I admit, Nanowrimo distracted me), which is certainly a blessing. We get it. All of the facts included in the film make sense in the realm of the film. I can only imagine the nightmare that would have been for a conscientious director.

The effects were a bit confusing, which I think was the idea. Crisp wizard battling might have become a bit too ambitious. Sirius deserved more time, and more mourning, but I think the director needed to mitigate the stifling depression that enshrouds the piece as a whole. I'm sorry that non-readers don't understand everything that happens around that door, but as it is, it made enough sense to be getting on with, as I mentioned before.

I'm wasting words. Back to Nanowrimo.


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