Brigham City

Brigham City This film touched me deeply. I've always felt some attraction to crime dramas. This one was certainly adequate in that respect (Dutcher plays the shell game with his suspects), but truly excelled at posing ethical questions, and setting up ethical dilemmas. Oddly, none of the characters seemed caught by the dilemma aspect - they simply went ahead and made their mistakes like real people do.

The only flubbed line was Dutcher's, and Matthew A. Brown did a brilliant job among a crowd of impressive character actors, including Carrie Morgan. Their lines seemed fairly well-written, although now and again something came across just a little amateurish (a housewife who starts a line with "well," for instance).

All the technical aspects seemed tight and professional, including sound and camera work; lucky in an indy film on a small budget. Well done. I MUST recommend this film, and not just because it made me sob. Unfortunately, I watched it on a Sunday evening, so I didn't get creeped out, but I suspect that it might actually have moments.


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