The Sorcerer's Apprentice
It's just fun. It's not deep, or particularly well-made. The plot, special effects, minimal characterization, and amusing script make for a couple of really enjoyable minutes. Just sit back and turn off the inner critic. Remember when you were a kid and movies were just these flashing lights that told a story? Although I have to admit, this film contained some truly funny lines, and some real cleverness.
This movie has been streamlined - any elements that don't fit the "good, clean fun" ideal got sanded down in post-production, which took real skill, as did the special effects.
I'd class this film with Enchanted except that Enchanted actually attempted some meaning (and failed, really), where this film just let itself have a little fun. It didn't take itself too seriously, and didn't try to engage any of the grey cells. In that way, it's similar to MANY more films than movie makers or critics like us to think.
I really want to see this!