Pink Panther 2
John Cleese's presence made entirely too much sense, if you recall that one of his greatest roles (Basil Fawlty)
had exactly the same tone.
I feel that critics too often disregard these after-movies, tossing them off as derivative (but intentionally so!). Largely, these critics make sense, and after-movies should probably be illegal. Most sequels, remakes, etc. simply waste the viewer's time badly retelling an already over-told story. Not so here. Occasionally, the second out-ranks the first, and although this likely isn't that time, the second certainly ranks well in with the first.
This cast is golden, and all actors lived up to their reputations. I'm glad Steve Martin et al. made this film.
I have to admit, though, I knew whodunnit from the moment that actor walked on screen. Good thing this film wasn't about suspense.
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