Where Angels Fear to Tread

Where Angels Fear to Tread I have been so afraid of this film. It's been sitting at the top of my instant queue for perhaps six months. I adored A Room With A View by the same author, and also starring Helena Bonham Carter, but I didn't like Howard's End. E. M. Forster has a peculiar view of humanity. He looked at people with such loving and forgiving eyes, and yet his cruel characters met with the same kind of unforgiving cruelty, although usually self-inflicted.

The acting here surpassed most of what we see on a regular basis. The actors don't force themselves into full expression all the time, but vary their responses by the situation. If the scene calls for calmness, they are calm. If it calls for emotion, they pull out the stops. I found the whole thing fully believable, if a little eccentric (I LOVE the eccentric!).

If you have the stomach for British period pieces, TRULY catch this one.


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